SLHS 1979 40th Class Reunion Events
Please Stay Tune as We Work on Our Reunion!!!
 It will be an unforgettable time of fellowship and renewed Crusader Pride and Tradition... It's A Great Day To Be A Crusader!

Oahu, Hawaii - 2019
The Honolulu Reunion Events are being discussed, so if you have any suggestions please let us know via class website, or facebook page. The events will mark our 40 years since we left the sloped of Kalaepuhaku as students. It will be an opportunity for us to gather again as a friends and brother to reminisce and talk story.
We look forward to seeing as many classmates and family members as we can. I hope that everyone will be able to save one if not all of the dates to come out and enjoy some time together.
If you know or speak to any of our classmates please pass the word along in case we failed to reach someone.
As the events draw nearer we will be sending out updates with confirmed times and directions in case of any changes
ST. LOUIS HIGH SCHOOL - Class of 1979 40th year Reunion
Honolulu - TBD 2019
All suggestions regarding our future reunion events call or email Mel Pilien at 808-351-2862 (S7L9SAlumni@gmail.com), Tony Souza at St. Louis Class of 1979 facebook page, or Tracy Mizota at 808-227-6900.
ST. LOUIS HIGH SCHOOL - Class of 1979
40th Class Reunion
Date / Location - TBD 2019
Event Dates: TBD
Events Planned (Tentative - Subject to Change based upon interest/participation)
Kick-off & Welcome Cocktail and Pupu Party
Daytime Events -
Golf (Golf Course TBD)
Class of '79 Classmates who have expressed an interest in attending our 40th Reunion Events
Will be upadated as the Dates, Locations, and Events are finalized.
Nā Hōkū o Kalaepōhaku
Las Vegas Get Together 2019
Our Las Vegas Get Together for 2017 (Dates, Locations, and Events) are currently being discussed. If you have any suggestions contact the Class Website, Facebook Page or BOD.

Nā Hōkū o Kalaepōhaku​